Otologic Day 2024

30 years of Cochlear Implantation in Slovakia

Dear friends,
In 2024 it will be 30 years since the first cochlear implantation in our department. We would like to celebrate this anniversary with a scientific conference: Otologic Day 2024, 30 years of cochlear implantation in Slovakia. Please book March 14-15, 2024 for this event. The conference will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Bratislava.

Scientific Program

The tentative program is currently quite schematic. Several important European experts in this field have confirmed their attendance. We would also like to kindly ask our colleagues from Slovakia to prepare their contributions for the Otologic Day conference.

The story behind 30 years of CI Experience

1994, the year of the first cochlear implantation in Slovakia and the year it all began. Read more about the development and milestones of the last 30 years, which ultimately led to a success story with no end in sight.

The launch of a CI-Program in Slovakia has truly changed lives

Prof. Dr. Milan Profant in Bratislava was one of the pioneers of cochlear implantation in Europe. We asked him how the CI team in Slovakia overcame resistance and what he thinks about the future of deafness treatment.

Register now

Thank you very much for your interest in our event. Unfortunately, registration is no longer possible. We ask for your understanding. Thank you.

Ďakujeme vám za váš záujem o naše podujatie. Žiaľ, registrácia už nie je možná. Prosíme vás o pochopenie. Ďakujeme.

30 years of Cochlear Implantation in Slovakia – Otologic Day

  • March 14 – 15, 2024

  • Crowne Plaza Bratislava

  • Scentific Program and Gala Dinner

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